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» » Visit of children's oncohematologist Gunther Henze in Aktobe

Visit of children's oncohematologist Gunther Henze in Aktobe

14 февраль 2018, Среда
1 014

In the strategic plan for the development of the Aktobe Medical Center special attention payed to the timely diagnosis of cancer, including children. As part of the medical cluster, the Pediatric Oncohematological Center will be opened next year.

An important place in the international cooperation of the Center is close cooperation with the countries of the Near and Far Abroad: transfer of experience, joint research and implementation of common projects.

On the initiative of the Akimat of Aktobe region Dr. Guenther Henze’s visited Aktobe city. Leading German specialist in pediatric oncohematology from the famous Berlin Charité clinic visited the facilities of Aktobe Medical Center, conducted a seminar on the basis of pediatric hospital with doctors from our region, and consulted young patients.

At the seminar, the guest noted that «oncological diseases, especially in pediatrics, is not a sentence, and with proper treatment the survival rate is over 80%.» Aktobe medical specialists with interest studied international experience and received a lot of useful information.

At a meeting with the akim of region B.Saparbayev in the discussion of further prospects for international cooperation, Dr. H.Hentze especially noted: «For several days we studied the conditions in the pediatric hospital. I think that the starting opportunities are very good. It is necessary to ensure continuity in the work of various units, since experts in various fields are involved in the treatment of cancer».

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