8 (713 2) 53-42-65

» » In order to ensure high quality of service to the population through the provision of effective medical services with usage of high-tech methods of diagnostic and treatment

In order to ensure high quality of service to the population through the provision of effective medical services with usage of high-tech methods of diagnostic and treatment

05 январь 2018, Пятница

In order to ensure high quality of service to the population through the provision of effective medical services with usage of high-tech methods of diagnostic and treatment, the Strategic Plan for development of the SE on REM «Aktobe Medical Center» for 2018-2022yy. was developed and presented on January 5, 2018. At a meeting chaired by akim of Aktobe Region Saparbayev B.M.

The strategy for the development of the medical cluster «Aktobe Medical Center» defines a concrete action plan for the next 5 years to create an advanced system of medical care based on international standards of quality and hospital management.

The head of the Department of Health Kaliev A.A. detailed the priorities for the development of the medical cluster: re-profiling the bed capacity, taking into account the existing need, increasing the availability of high-tech medical services for the population, the introduction of international quality standards, and further development of cooperation with leading national and foreign clinics.

Akim of the region Saparbayev B.М. noted that «it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality and safety of medical services, development of medical tourism, for which there are all conditions — trained personnel, equipment, joint projects based on public-private partnership».


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