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» » Athletic success of a team of medical staff in the Aktyubinsk region

Athletic success of a team of medical staff in the Aktyubinsk region

02 май 2018, Среда

In the period from April 30 to May 1, 2018 in Almaty city on the first time the Kazakhstan Football Championship among medical workers was held. In two days of competitions our team played 7 games, defeated the rivals of their group «A» from Zhambyl, Karaganda, East Kazakhstan regions, as well as the team from Astana, then in the quarter finals, they won the team of South Kazakhstan region, in the semifinal our team again won a team of colleagues from the city of Karaganda. In the final, the Aktobe medical team played against the Almaty team and lost 1:2. Our guys fought for the victory till the end of the game, colleagues showed a sporting character, despite the injuries and intense schedule of the competitions. The team of Aktobe medics won silver medals and took the second place among 16 teams from all of our country. The entire medical community of the region was experiencing and constantly supporting our team, which is proud of the success of their colleagues.

Especially noted that our doctors from the Aktobe Medical Center played their part in the team of the football players: the neurosurgeon Ruslan Kazhgaliev (the team captain), the surgeon Kelimberdiyev Mirsaid, the cardiologist Hamidulla Bolat, the pediatric maxillofacial surgeon Drmanov Narmagambet, the surdologist Kumar Kanat, the surgeon Saten Temirlan. In addition, as the attacker on the football field, alongside his colleagues, the matches were played by the head of the Healthcare Department, Kaliev A.A.

In the summer, it is planned the participation of national team of Kazakhstan in the international football championship among medical staff, which will be held on June 30 — July 8, 2018 in the Czech Republic. Two of our doctors — Ruslan Kazhaliev and Saten Temirlan — are invited to the team of medical specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From the bottom of the heart we congratulate our team with silver medals, we wish health, further prosperity and sports successes. Dear medical workers of the Aktobe region, sincere congratulations, in connection with the achievements and prize awards of our doctors at the first Kazakhstan Football Championship.

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