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28 апрель 2018, Суббота
1 113

At the initiative of the head of the region Berdybek Saparbayev, year 2018 was declared the Year of the Child in the Aktobe region and the project «Happy Child» was developed, one of the priority of this project is the creation of conditions for the full development of children, improving the quality of medical services for the children. The construction of rehabilitation center for children regional special (correctional) center for autistic children, regional perinatal center, pediatric sites for children under 6 in urban polyclinics are planned in the region.

Aktobe Medical Center takes an active part in the implementation of the «Happy Child» project: preparatory work has begun for the opening of a children’s oncohematological center as part of a medical cluster (pediatricians are trained in oncohematology, and equipment is planned to be purchased). At the same time, special attention is paid to raising the level of training of medical personnel of the pediatric hospital, neonatal clinics of the obstetrics service for urgent care for children and newborns.

 On April 23-24, 2018 in the Simulation Training Center on the basis of the pediatric hospital of the Aktobe Medical Cluster passed a master class on the topic: «Urgent issues of emergency care in pediatrics and neonatology». It was led by Jens-Christian Schwindt, a neonatologist, consultant in the Intensive Care Unit of the Medical University of Vienna (Austria) and director of the company producing the simulator «Baby Paul» by «Sim Characters» company. Anatoly E. Verevkin, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the highest category RPCH (Nizhny Novgorod), a specialist in simulation training, a board member of the Russian Society of Simulation Training in Medicine (ROSOMED). The master class was held at the initiative of the Regional Health Department. The training covered 40 doctors from the Aktyubinsk region, including specialists from the medical center.

The purpose of the master class is to increase the professional and personal competencies of medical staff, which will improve the quality of medical care for the children of the Aktobe region and familiarize themselves with the experience of colleagues from Austria and Russia.

It should be noted that the simulation center on the basis of the pediatric hospital of «Aktobe Medical Center» was organized in 2017 at the expense of the local budget, the center is equipped with the medical equipment of the intensive care unit, which makes the situation as close as possible to the hospital. Among the computer simulators a special place takes humanoid simulators (manufactured in Austria and USA), imitating all the physiological properties of a real children. In realism, they are level VI and allow to practice resuscitation.

Within the framework of the master class, the issues of rendering emergency care in neonatology and pediatrics were considered: care and nursing of newborns with various pathologies, assistance with respiratory distress syndrome, extended cardiopulmonary resuscitation in neonatology and pediatrics, i.e. according to scenarios compiled by the center’s trainers, which are the most relevant for practical medicine.

All the skills of emergency assistance were worked out on mechanical simulators, electronic phantoms, computerized robotic simulators which are allow to form basic medical and specialized medical skills, while the existing medical equipment of the intensive care unit, intensive care unit, neonatology made the situation as close as possible to the hospital situation.

On April 24, a meeting of the Akim of Aktyubinsk region Berdybek Saparbayev and foreign specialists was held. The head of the region thanked the guests for conducting the training of doctors and noted that the main task is to provide residents of the region and Western Kazakhstan with quality medical services so that the population does not have to go to other regions and countries for treatment. «In this regard, the Aktyubinsk Medical Cluster has been created, where much attention is paid to improving its material and technical base and training qualified specialists. Undoubtedly, your studies will help improve the professionalism of our medical workers, will have a positive impact on the quality of medical care for children», said akim B. Saparbayev.

 In turn, A.E. Verevkin said: «At our trainings, a lot of urgent situations were played out, in which doctors had to make instant decisions to prevent the death of patients. We are ready to provide further assistance in training doctors in Aktyubinsk region, conducting such master classes facilitates the exchange of experience and the enhancement of professional and personal competencies of medical workers». Foreign guests highly appreciated the level of equipment and preparedness of the personnel of the simulation center on the basis of pediatric hospital.

The administration of Aktobe Medical Center expresses its great appreciation to foreign experts: Jens Christian Shvindt and Anatoly Evgenievich Verevkin for conducting the master class.


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