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» » Open Day at the Aktobe Medical Center

Open Day at the Aktobe Medical Center

16 март 2018, Пятница

On the eve of the celebration of Nauryz in the Aktobe Medical Center on March 16, an open door was held for the population of our region. Admission of specialized specialists was carried out on the basis of a children’s hospital and a multi-purpose hospital for adults on a free basis.

The charity event was attended by the heads of departments and physicians of the clinical units in conjunction with the faculty of the WKSMU of. M. Ospanov. On this day, 200 patients were examined, of them 152 children (76%), of whom 24% were rural residents out of the total number of converts.

During the action, patients received detailed recommendations for further examination and treatment, with 14,5% of adults and 20% of children requiring routine surgery. The greatest number of references was noted in the following profiles: endocrinology, vascular surgery, neurology, urology, neurosurgery, pediatric cardiology, pediatric otorhinolaryngology.

Carrying out of charitable actions for the population is one of the priority directions of the Center’s development in the context of increasing the availability of medical care. As in the past year, field visits of profile specialists to the region are planned during the current year to provide consultations and surgical operations for rural residents, if necessary.

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