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» » Introduction of the Disease Management Program

Introduction of the Disease Management Program

24 май 2018, Четверг

The Aktobe Medical Center (AMC) takes an active part in the implementation of public health policy measures aimed on improving of quality of medical care for the population.

Within the framework of the activities to implement the Disease Management Program (DMP) in the Aktobe region on May 23-24, 2018 at the AMC, there was a meeting with the participation of a group of specialists from the Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases in Almaty, headed by the Deputy Director for Science and Postgraduate Education of the Research Institute of K and WB, MD. Dzhunusbekova G.A.

The meeting was attended by the deputy head of the Department of Health Mambetzhanova G.Sh., the head of the department for treatment and prophylactic of SI Trzhanova A.D.

Medical workers of city and district medical institutions, including employees of the consulting-diagnostic center functioning as part of the medical cluster, were acquainted with the clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and detailed principles of self-management as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of preventive activities at the outpatient level, to implement the HSS with primary health care the practical exercises were conducted.

The medical personnel listened with interest to the informative reports of the doctor of medical sciences, G.Yu. Danubekova, endocrinologists-doctors Shyman Zh. Zh. And Karaev R. Kh., The national coordinator of the DMP in the Republic of Kazakhstan Zharylkasynova R.K. trained the specialized specialists with the procedure for entering data into the electronic database of the DMP register with an assessment of the DMP process indicators and quality. As a whole, about 200 medical workers were trained, this fact is the key to the successful implementation of the disease management program at the PMSH level in our region.

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