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» » Day of the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan

Day of the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan

26 сентябрь 2018, Среда
1 633

Traditionally, employees of Aktobe Medical Center actively participate in events dedicated to the Day of the Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.

Every year, on the third Sunday of September, the Day of the Languages of the People of Kazakhstan is celebrated in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The holiday was first held in 1998, according to the decree of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. On this day, various events devoted to the importance of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan are held throughout the country: scientific conferences, competitions, and round tables.

The purpose of the holiday is to preserve the integrity of the multinational people of Kazakhstan, the development and distribution of the Kazakh language, raising children in a spirit of respect for the culture and traditions of not only their people, but also all other nationalities inhabiting our country.

For active participation in the events organized by the Department of Health for the Day of Languages, the translator Makesheva Talshin and the senior nurse of the neurosurgical department of the Aktobe Medical Center received letters of thanks from “Algys Khat”.

The team of the center congratulates its employees with a high assessment of their work!

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