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» » Day of Open Doors at the pediatric hospital

Day of Open Doors at the pediatric hospital

02 июль 2018, Понедельник

In order to increase the availability of medical services to the child population in the frame work of the regional program “Bakytty balalyk shak” in the children's hospital of our center on July 2, 2018 the charity event “Day of Open Doors” was held. Little patients were taken by 14 specialized specialists. 134 children were examined, consultations of a neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist were most popular.

In addition, children were advised by a surgeon, cardiologist, nephrologist, pediatrician, endocrinologist, maxillofacial surgeon, oncologist, rheumatologist, traumatologist, orthodontist.

During event, children were given free laboratory and instrumental examinations - clinical and biochemical blood tests, electrocardiography, ultrasound examinations of internal organs.

Charity events for children in the Aktobe Medical Center are held regularly, while the staff of the Department of WKSMU named after M. Ospanov are involved in the consultations, as well as foreign experts.

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