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» » News of the "Mobile cluster"project.

News of the "Mobile cluster"project.

26 февраль 2019, Вторник

On February 26, 2019 on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center, within the framework of the regional action "Mobile cluster"an outpatient reception of patients from rural areas was organized.

The action was carried out with the participation of highly qualified staff of the Department of Internal Diseases of WKSMU after M. Ospanov (head of the department - candidate of medical science Bazargaliev E.Sh.) together with cardiologists (head of the cardiology department - Bekzhanova Zh.B.)and doctors of the functional diagnostics of our center (the head of the functional diagnostics department is Bekbergenova G.I.).
15 residents of Aytekebi district passed an ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography), consultations with a cardiologist and an arrhythmologist. During examination 46.7% of patients had ischemic heart disease, 35% of patients suffer from arterial hypertension, and in some cases heart defects, cardiac arrhythmias, and endocrinological pathology were found.
All applicants were surrounded by the attention of the medical staff of the center, each patient was given detailed recommendations for further treatment.

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