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» » News about "Mobile Cluster" campaign

News about "Mobile Cluster" campaign

02 ноябрь 2018, Пятница

In the framework of the campaign"Mobile cluster" on the basis of Aktobe Medical Center, outpatient reception of rural residents continues. For the period of November 1-2, 2018. On the basis of a multi-disciplinary hospital, 21 men from the Aytekebi region were surveyed, consultative reception was held at the consultative-diagnostic center for 27 residents of the Temirregion.

The plan of diagnostic measures was aimed on identifying of problems related to women's and men's health. Practitioners examined patients together with employees of the Department of Urology, as well as an ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, made recommendations for further treatment, some patients were recommended additional examination and treatment in the hospital.

Residents from rural areas were consulted by an oncologist, mammologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, according to indications, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, mammary glands, colposcopy, endoscopic studies of the esophagus and stomach, and laboratory tests were performed. In almost 90% of cases, various pathologies of the endocrine system and the organs of the small pelvis were detected. Patients received full recommendations of relevant specialists.


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