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» » The campaign "Mobile Cluster" continues

The campaign "Mobile Cluster" continues

02 октябрь 2018, Вторник

In order to ensure the protect of men's health and in the framework of the ongoing campaign "Mobile Cluster" on October 2, 2018 on the basis of a multi-profile center Aktobe Medical Center, a consultative reception of specialized specialists for the residents of Baiganinsky district was organized.

During campaign, practical doctors and staff of the Department of Urology of WKSMU after M. Ospanov inspected 25 men aged 45 years to 60 years. An ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and urinary system, endoscopic studies of the gastrointestinal tract (if indicated), and laboratory and biochemical studies were performed for diagnostic purposes. It should be noted that doctor of medical sciences, urologist-andrologist of the highest category, Kurmangaliev O.M., consulted all the patients.

In the process of examination, among the examined persons, urological pathology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract were revealed, all patients received detailed recommendations of relevant specialists (urologist, andrologist, gastroenterologist).


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