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» » Increasing the availability of primary health care to the rural population

Increasing the availability of primary health care to the rural population

26 октябрь 2018, Пятница

In the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018 "GROWTH OF WELFARE OF KAZAKHSTAN: IMPROVEMENT OF INCOMES AND QUALITY OF LIFE" in section 6. "Quality of medical services is the most important component of the social population well-being" noted "First of all, there is necessity of increase of accessibility of primary health care, especially in rural areas.”

In the framework of the implementation of the events of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the aim of increasing of availability of medical services for rural residents on the basis of the consultative-diagnostic center of "Aktobe Medical Center" continues the campaign - "Mobile cluster".

The initiator of the action is the Healthcare Department of the Aktobe region, the organizer is Aktobe Medical Center. In order to ensure the protection of women's and men's health for the population from the districts, the consultative receptions of relevant specialists, laboratory and instrumental investigations on the basis of the institutions of our Center are planned. Transportation and medical support of rural residents is carried out by the sending district medical organization. The campaign is realized in accordance with the planned schedule and the amount of treatment and diagnostic activities is by prior approval of medical institutions, taking into account the demand for services for a particular category of rural population.

During the current month, in order to protect women's health, ancampaign was held for residents from remote settlements in the Oiyl and Khobda regions.

Wherein, 12 women from the Oiylregion were examined by the specialized specialists of the CDC and received full recommendations from the gynecologist, oncologist, breast specialist, endocrinologist. Instrumental studies of endoscopy, colposcopy, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, breast, abdominal organs were performed.

On October 26, 20 residents of the Khobda region took part in campaign. They passed required amount of diagnostic tests according to indications. Taking into account the results of the examination and consultations of relevant specialists, a different pathology was revealed in 55% of the applicants, recommendations were given for further treatment.

It should be noted that residents of the Irgiz, Bayganin, and Shalkar regions were examined earlier. The campaign continues to hold an outpatient reception for residents from other areas of our area on schedule.

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