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» » Board of Health Administration of Aktobe region.

Board of Health Administration of Aktobe region.

16 январь 2019, Среда

On January 16, 2019 on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center, chaired by akim of the region B.M. Saparbayev held a board of Department of Health on the work results for 2018. The secretary of the regional maslikhat S.M. Kaldygulova, Akim of Aktobe city, I.S. Ispanov, health care veterans, chief doctors of city and district medical institutions, faculty members of WKSMU named after M. Ospanov, representatives of non-governmental organizations.

The report was presented to the meeting participants by the head of the Department of Health of Aktobe region Asset Kaliyev, with details on the main indicators of public health, staffing and equipment.

The report noted the contribution of employees of the Aktobe medical cluster. In the only medical institution functioning in such a format in Western Kazakhstan since its inception, 57,498 patients have been treated: of these, 33,368 (58%) are adults; children - 24 130 (42%); 19,227 operations were performed, of which 9,150 operations were performed for children. In addition, 1 397 high-tech medical services were provided, including the following profiles: pediatric heart surgery, transplantology, neurosurgery, traumatology, vascular surgery, arrhythmology.

During a visit to the center, akim of the region B.M. Saparbayev familiarized with the construction of the Museum of Medicine, a center for sports medicine and rehabilitation. Head of Health Department Kaliyev A.A. presented a plan for the construction of a pediatric onco-hematology center with a parental home and a regional perinatal center.

A new uniform of Aktobe Medical Center employees was presented to the attention of the head of the region.

At the meeting of the board were heard the reports of the head of the department of public health care N. Berkimbaeva, the rector of WKSMU after Ospanov E.Bekmukhambetov, director of AF FSMI G.Kuzhaniyazova, head of the Pharmacy Committee R.Kubatayev.

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