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» » Visit of the delegation from China.

Visit of the delegation from China.

18 январь 2020, Суббота
On January 18, 2020, a delegation from the Central Hospital of the Karamay City District, Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China (XUAR of the PRC) visited the multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center. The delegation got acquainted with the activities of the center, visited the emergency medical department, stroke center, planned surgery and transplantation department.

Following the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was concluded between the central hospital of the city of Karamay, XUAR of the PRC and the Aktobe Medical Center.  It should be noted that the first study visit of Chinese colleagues took place in 2018, followed by consultations on telemedicine over the past year. This visit of the clinic representatives, headed by its director Ye Zhou, will expand the range of business relations with colleagues.

Within the framework of cooperation, it is planned to continue telemedicine consultations of specialized specialists, to carry out an exchange of personnel, while joint research projects in the field of traditional Chinese medicine were discussed.  The guests visited the Museum of Medicine, got acquainted with the achievements of regional healthcare, highly appreciating the successes of the region’s medical workers, expressed their readiness to adopt our experience of creating the Museum in the hospital in Karamay, where exhibits and information on the results of international cooperation with healthcare institutions of the Aktobe region will take their rightful place.

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