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» » The 8th of March!

The 8th of March!

06 март 2020, Пятница
Today Aktobe MedicalCenter held a solemn event to celebrate the 8thof March. The management of the center together with the trade union committee organized a celebration concert, congratulations were given by the chief physician Isayev R.K., the medical director Sultangereyev E.B., the head of the quality management service Khayrullina Z.S..
The speakers highly noted the invaluable contribution of the female staff of our team in providing medical care to patients and wished women happiness, good health, and success in their work. In a solemn atmosphere60 best employees were awarded commemorative signs "for their contribution to the development of the center", certificates of honor, cash prizes, valuable gifts, and flowers were presented to all the women present in the hall.Happy holiday dear women!

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