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» » High-tech medical services continue to be provided in the conditions of quarantine at the Aktobe Medical Center

High-tech medical services continue to be provided in the conditions of quarantine at the Aktobe Medical Center

15 май 2020, Пятница
Quarantine and strict restrictive measures, the closure of borders imposed by the pandemic have made very serious adjustments to our daily life. Medical facilities work in compliance with strict sanitary and epidemiological rules. And the Aktobe Medical Center is no exception.
The multidisciplinary hospital continues to provide emergency care to all patients under quarantine conditions. At the same time, despite the restriction of planned hospitalization, the entire range of medical and diagnostic measures is provided for conditions against the background of chronic diseases that lead to possible serious complications in the short term. Accordingly, it is the primary task of medical personnel to adopt the right medical tactics and to mobilize the necessary resources to save a patient’s life, even during a state of emergency.
Therefore, when the department of vascular surgery received a patient born in 1979 with a diagnosis of "Dissecting aneurysm of the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta" - a menacing disease with a high risk of death due to rupture and massive aortic bleeding, every effort was made to organize emergency surgery.
A consultation of specialized specialists of the hospital with the participation of the center's management decided on the need to install a stent graft in the descending aorta – this is a unique and complex operation that belongs to high-tech medical services. A telemedicine consultation was held, and a visit of specialists from the Republican sanitary aviation was organized.  At the same time, the management of the center carried out measures for the purchase and delivery of expensive, expendable material – stent graft (cost 2,650,000 tenge) to Aktobe from Almaty.
A sanitary aviation plane with doctors from the Nur-Sultan NROC (head of the vascular center Sagandykov I. N. and x-ray surgeon Zemlyansky V. V.) arrived in Aktobe late at 00:30 a.m. on 7th of May , the patient was prepared in advance, the operating room was deployed and the necessary equipment was prepared in the angiographic laboratory.

Invited specialists together with the doctors of our center: the head of the department of vascular surgery Zhanabayev B.K., doctors and angio-surgeons Sultangaliyev E.T., Bisenov I.G., the head of the department of endovascular surgery Taumov A.Zh., the head of the CARIC Yermagambetov K.K.  successfully carried out the operation, which lasted 2 hours 15 minutes. Then the patient was provided with the necessary care and complex intensive therapy for five days in the intensive care unit. Currently  the patient continues to be treated in the specialized department and there is an improvement in his condition, and further rehabilitation and residential care are to be provided.
It should be noted that surgical intervention, telemedicine consultation, the arrival of specialized specialists in the field of sanitary aviation, the purchase of consumables, complex treatment in the hospital is provided within the guaranteed volume of free medical care. All costs are reimbursed through the SHIF, and medical care is free of charge for the patient.
In this situation due to the timely interaction of medical organizations of the regional and republican levels, the team work of doctors has achieved a favorable outcome.
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