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» » About the work of the provisional hospital

About the work of the provisional hospital

24 август 2020, Понедельник
In the period from April 23 to August 23, 2020, 2223 patients with severe pneumonia in combination with various concomitant diseases, including 353 pregnant women, received inpatient treatment on the basis of the multidisciplinary provisional hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center.COVID-19 was confirmed in 5.6% of patients.The admission department registered 2896 calls, of which 76.7% of patients required inpatient care. 
During this period63 surgical interventions were performed in patients with pneumonia in combination with various surgical pathologies in compliance with measures of infectious and surgical safety.  In the conditions of the provisional maternity ward, 220 babies were born, while 21 operations were performed "cesarean section". 

583 employees are involved in the provision hospital, 20% of them are doctors, 43% are nurses, and 36% are junior medical staff.
At present, in a multidisciplinary hospital, after discharge of patients, the premises are sanitized, and employees are engaged in general cleaning at workplaces.  The staff amicably responded to the initiative of the center's management to restore cleanliness and order inside the hospital and in the surrounding area..

At the same time, technical work is being carried out on the installation of the gas supply system, generators.  All of the above measures are aimed at preparing the hospital for the opening of planned and emergency hospitalization of patients within the framework of a multidisciplinary hospital.  At the same time, it is planned to continue the work of the provisional maternity ward to provide medical care to pregnant women and women in labor with pneumonia in a separate building.
Take care of your neighbor!  We are together!

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