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» » Life-saving intervention at the provident hospital

Life-saving intervention at the provident hospital

18 май 2020, Понедельник
  On the basis of the Aktobe Medical Center there is a provisional hospital that provides emergency medical care to patients with symptoms that do not exclude COVID-19. Patients are hospitalized in the provisional hospital for epidemiological reasons, often if patients have signs of an infectious disease - pneumonia, there are concomitant diseases that also require a professional medical approach.
         In a 50-year-old patient treated at a provident hospital for left-hand pneumonia, angiosurgeons were diagnosed with thrombosis of the veins of the lower limbs and the inferior vena, with blood clot penetration of the vascular cava to heart. In such a situation, there was a real risk that the clot, which posed a threat to human life, would be lifted, as a result of the clotting of the lung vessels and the loss of oxygen.
In order to save the patient’s life, all diagnostic and therapeutic measures were used. In order to minimize and eliminate the risk of the pulmonary artery thromboembolism development, it has been decided to install a cava filter, a mesh umbrella, in the cavity of the vessel above the clot, for the removal of clots when they are removed and for the prevention of pulmonary artery thrombosis. This type of operation is classified as specialized medical care and is performed on high-precision equipment by vascular surgeons with X-ray and vascular surgery.

           On 12th of May, 2020, the patient underwent an emergency procedure to implant a cava filter into the inferior vena cava. The operation was carried out under X-ray conditions and was carried out in accordance with a sanitary and epidemiological regime using personal protective equipment. The surgical intervention was carried out by a team of specialists: head of the department of vascular surgery Zhanabayev Bernat, vascular surgeon Bisenov Ibrahim, head of the department of x-ray endovascular surgery Taumov Aydos, head of the CARIC Yermagambetov Kamalkhan, operating nurse Kazharova Raushan, anesthetist Sultanova Orazgul and nurse Bukanova Ayman.
The operation was successful, so the clot does not pose a risk to human life at this time. The patient's condition is stable, continues treatment in the specialized department.Similar technologies have been introduced at the Aktobe Medical Centre since 2014, and angiosurgery doctors are trained annually at national and foreign centres.
          The availability of equipment and consumables, trained personnel make it possible to ensure the quality of medical care to the population of the region, improve the health and preserve the lives of our patients.
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