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» » On January 12, 2018 on the basis of the multi-profile clinic «Aktobe Medical Center»

On January 12, 2018 on the basis of the multi-profile clinic «Aktobe Medical Center»

12 январь 2018, Пятница

On January 12, 2018 on the basis of the multi-profile clinic «Aktobe Medical Center», a master class with the participation of the doctor-cardiologist of the highest category, head of the interventional arrhythmology department of the National Scientific Cardiosurgical Center of Astana, doctor of medical sciences A.S. Abdrakhmanov was held. The topic — «Aspects of conducting surgical radiofrequency ablation».

During the period of the master class, interventional care was provided to 3 patients aged 38 to 50 years.

In one case, a patient born in 1980, suffered from a heart rhythm disorder from the age of 13, in a second patient of 48 years, residents of Temir district for 3 years were disturbed by heart attacks with pains in the heart, conservative treatment has had no effect. A 50-year-old patient since 2013 periodically, there were episodes of heart rhythm disturbances, which gradually increased, accompanied by shortness of breath. All patients underwent intracardiac electrophysiological examination followed by radiofrequency ablation.

It should be noted that the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias with the help of electrophysiological research methods is carried out for 3 years on the basis of our Center, the specialists were trained in NSCC of Astana and independently perform all manipulations. At the same time, cooperation with the Republic Scientific Center continues, under the guidance of the doctor of medical sciences. Abdrakhmanov A.S. Arithmologists and interventional cardiologists increase the level of their theoretical knowledge and improve their practical skills.


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