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» » Master class in bariatric surgery

Master class in bariatric surgery

13 июнь 2018, Среда

June 12-13, 2018 on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center under the guidance of Professor Almantas Malackas (Kaunas, Lithuania), a master class on bariatric surgery was held.

Prof. Almantas Malackas is one of the leading bariatric surgeons in the Baltic countries. Dr. Malackas works in Lithuania, as well as at the University Hospital of Gothenburg University (Sweden). The professor is fluent in English and Swedish, he has more than 2500 operation cases on the stomach.

In Kazakhstan, Professor A. Malyatskas repeatedly participated in scientific conferences, conducted master classes. Our center works closely with a well-known specialist since 2017, master classes with his participation are held in a multidisciplinary hospital, our surgeons successfully adopt the experience of Dr. A. Malyackas.

During this visit, a consultative reception of adult patients and children suffering from obesity, as well as 7 surgical interventions for laparoscopic gastroshunty, was conducted free of charge. It should be noted that for the first time in the region, such operations were performed using 3D laparoscopy.

The selection of patients was carried out in advance by specialized specialists of the center, while taking into account the objective data, the lack of effect of a conservative weight correction, the presence of complications from the underlying disease and comorbidities. All 7 patients are women aged from 30 to 40 years, suffering from alimentary obesity, who previously had a full amount of necessary laboratory and instrumental studies. According to the survey results, clear indications were established for the surgical method of treating obesity. The laparoscopic method of gastric bypass surgery is less traumatic, with a faster recovery period, with a low risk of infectious complications at the wound area.

During the outpatient admission of patients, a meeting of akimof a region B. Saparbayev and Professor A. Malackas was held. The head of the region thanked the professor for his contribution to the process of introducing innovations in our center, in turn, the professor noted the presence in the region of a prepared material and technical base and qualified personnel.

Profile specialists of Aktobe Medical Center under the leadership of the Deputy Chief for the surgical service Sultangereyev Y. continues to work on the active introduction of new technologies into everyday practice, including methods of bariatric surgery.

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