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» » Resource center opening ceremony

Resource center opening ceremony

14 август 2018, Вторник

The first Resource Center in our region was opened on the basis of the Child Development Cabinet of the Pediatric District Service of the Consultative-Diagnostic Division of the Aktobe Medical Center. One of the priorities of this center is to increase public awareness about the principles of good nutrition in childhood.

Here young mothers already started learn the basics of proper nutrition for children of different ages. Classes in the Resource Center are conducted by a nurse of the highest category, bachelor of nursing, Isimova Gulsim Kakimzhanovna.

The first class was conducted with mothers, residents of "Aviagorodok" attached area. Experts told in detail about the types and timing of inclusion in the diet of the child complementary foods to infants. In turn, young mothers showed interest in following the rules of rational nutrition of children, asked questions and received exhaustive answers.

he Resource Center plans to continue to work in the framework of a set of activities aimed at protecting the health of the children population.

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