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» » Memorandum of Cooperation with the South Korean corporation K-Medical Lab

Memorandum of Cooperation with the South Korean corporation K-Medical Lab

25 октябрь 2018, Четверг

On October 25 2018, on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital Aktobe Medical Centera memorandum of cooperation with the K-Medical Lab corporation (South Korea) was signed. During the meeting, the sides discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in attracting highly professional medical personnel from South Korea to the region.

In his speech, the general director of the corporation, Lee Kung Yong, said: “We have familiarized ourselves in advance with information about the Aktobe region. We see the development of medicine here, which is why we became interested and arrived. With such intensive development of regional health care, the flow of patients will increase not only from neighboring cities, but also from neighboring countries to receive quality treatment. We really want to work with you”.

The head of the Health Department, Aset Kaliev, noted that “the Aktobe region works closely with South Korea. Active work is underway with clinic of Kangnam Severanse, Seoul National University Hospital, South Korean specialists come to the region and conduct complex operations. In general, international cooperation in the field of medicine is constantly expanding. The health care of the region is always open to the implementation of new projects that serve the benefit of the health of the population of the region”.

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