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» » Classes in Stroke School

Classes in Stroke School

30 июнь 2018, Суббота
1 035

On the basis of the stroke center in Aktobe Medical Cluster there is a School of Stroke. According to the approved plan, among patients and their relatives regular explanatory work on topical issues of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of strokes is conducted.

This session on June 29 was conducted by the doctors of the center of the stroke together with the chief non-staff neurologist of the Department of Healthcare Darin D.B.

The topic of the class was devoted to early signs of acute cerebrovascular accident, methods of diagnosis and treatment of stroke, preventive measures.

In the course of class, a presentation and a video, handout information material were presented. Patients received comprehensive answers to their questions. Profile specialists in full gave explanations and recommendations to patients on improving the quality of life.


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