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» » Improving of corporate management system

Improving of corporate management system

21 сентябрь 2018, Пятница

In order to implement the activities of the roadmap of the project “Development of Management and Corporate Governance System in Healthcare Organizations” for 2018-2019, from 5 to 17 September, in the Corporate University “Samruk-Kazyna” in Astana, held a training course for regional trainers from among representatives of the Healthcare Administrations and managers of health organizations on the topic: “Management and Corporate Governance”.

As part of this event to improve the corporate governance system, the head of the quality management and strategic planning service of Aktobe Medical Center Khairullina Z.S.

The training of experts was organized by the Republican Center for Health Development together with the Samruk-Kazyna Corporate University in order to improve the quality of management at state medical organizations in Kazakhstan by conducting further cascade training and disseminating the system of corporate management and management in all regions of Kazakhstan. The training was conducted by business coaches Irina Turalieva and Vladimir Shikov, who specialize in such topical areas of management as “Leadership”, “Corporate Governance”, and “Conversational Intelligence”.

During the training, the basics of corporate governance, the basic principles and elements of proper corporate governance systems, the basics of the management body, the role of the executive body, and the development of leadership and competencies of managers of health organizations of Kazakhstan were considered. At the end of the course, students were given the defense of self-prepared presentations in front of the RCDH committee and received certificates.

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