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» » News about the work of the Supervisory Board

News about the work of the Supervisory Board

28 сентябрь 2018, Пятница

September 27, 2018 a regular meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Aktobe Medical Center was held. The agenda discussed current issues of the medical center. By the unanimous decision of the members of the Supervisory Board, a new Council Secretary was appointed - Z.S. Khairullina. (in connection with the dismissal of the previous secretary of their own accord).

The center’s management presents for discussion amendments to the Model Regulations on Wages, on the basis of which the wage system of junior medical staff may be revised.

It should be noted that according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property" (Clause 2, Article 138): wages. " Due to the effective management of internal resources, it is planned to introduce a new wage system for junior medical staff.

In addition, proposals for optimizing staffing for 2019 were discussed. In general, the meeting of the Supervisory Board was held in an atmosphere of fruitful work based on an active exchange of point of views between members of the board and representatives of employer.

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