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» » Classes at school of a stroke.

Classes at school of a stroke.

10 апрель 2019, Среда

In a multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center on a regular basis, awareness-raising work with patients on various topical issues of prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of socially significant diseasesis conducted. The next class on the basis of the stroke center (head of the SC - Serikova N.K.) at the School of a Stroke was held on April 10 of the current year for patients of a neurological profile.

The nursing staff, under the supervision of the head nurse of the Information Center BabagaliyevaTursynay, trained the patients on the early detection of signs of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, patient care rules and rehabilitation procedures for hemorrhagic stroke.

Introducing into the daily practice the work of the stroke department of theHealth School contributes to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, as well as informing patients and their relatives about the stroke care tactics, early detection of signs of deterioration of patients in the early and late rehabilitation period, which improves the quality of life for patients and ensure a favorable outcome of the disease.

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