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» » Construction of the Chek-up Center on the basis of the Aktobe Medical Center.

Construction of the Chek-up Center on the basis of the Aktobe Medical Center.

26 март 2019, Вторник

In the regional akimatan opening of a center for modern diagnostics (Chek-up Center) on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center was discussed. The construction of the diagnostic center was started this year in accordance with the Memorandum signed earlier.

March 26, 2019 Akim of the Aktobe region Urazalin O.S. held a meeting with the head of the Korean company K-Medical Lab, Lee Kyn Young. K-Medical Lab JSC is a legal entity of a commercial nature in the field of medical services, opens new projects and invests in the construction of foreign medical organizations with the principle of the Korean approach.

At the meeting, a plan for the implementation of a joint project to build a South Korean-style modern diagnostics center was discussed. The head of the region expressed confidence in the prospects of this project and interest in further cooperation with the "KML"company.

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