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» » Implementation experience resource-saving technologies in the Aktobe Medical Center.

Implementation experience resource-saving technologies in the Aktobe Medical Center.

15 январь 2020, Среда
One of the important priority directions for the development of the Aktobe Medical Center is the provision and implementation of drug safety standards in practice, as well as the optimization of safe, rational and effective management of medicines / medical devices.
The multidisciplinary hospital AMC is designed for 400 beds, it has 18 departments, including a maternity hospital of 3 levels, a stroke center, a PCI center, medical services are provided in 25 profiles, 12 of which have no analogues in other clinics.
January 15, 2019 in the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Center for Neurosurgery (Nur-Sultan), the opening of the Department of Hospital Pharmacy (DHP) in a multidisciplinary hospital took place. The main goal of the hospital pharmacy department is the effective functioning of a personalized drug therapy accounting system. At the same time, the volume of drugs for emergency medical care is still available at the level of the clinical department, and the delivery of drugs is carried out at the request of units through the medical information system for each patient.

We would like to emphasize the great contribution to the opening of the DHP of our partner NCN (Chairman of the Board Akshulakov S.K.) and the head of the department of hospital pharmacy NCN, candidate of biological sciences Tolepbergenova A.D. Repeatedly during visits in 2018 and as part of a pilot project of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the introduction of resource-saving technologies in 2019 Tolepbergenova provided methodological assistance to improve the system of patient-oriented and personalized drug trafficking.
Improving management technologies in everyday practice in terms of the rational use of existing material resources provides a positive economic effect. For example, during the period of the operation of the DHP from 1.03 to 03.31.2019, financial savings amounted to 3,815,995.82 tenge, this is only due to taking into account tableted forms and antibacterial agents in 12 clinical departments and taking fully into account the drug supply in 5 departments. According to the results of the 9 months of the operation of the DHP, the savings due to the automated personified registration of drugs based on the control of the validity of medical appointments in accordance with the protocols for diagnosing and treating diseases, the KNF amounted to 12 036 313.67 tenge.
Subsequently having studied the international experience of our colleagues from Turkey and South Korea, we developed our own medical products registration system (medical device) adapted to our conditions for surgical intervention on each patient. The analysis of actual expenses showed that during the reporting period, savings due to personified accounting of drugs and medical devices amounted to 39,400,716.40 tenge. In practice, the effectiveness of the introduction of resource-saving technologies is confirmed.

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