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» » 5th of May - International Midwife’s Day

5th of May - International Midwife’s Day

05 май 2020, Вторник
27 midwives work in the maternity unit of our center, 58% of them have the highest category. The team employs highly qualified midwives with experience from 10 years to 36 years, who pass their knowledge and skills to young specialists.

We would like to especially note the conscientious work of the following employees: senior midwife Kubatayeva Bazargul Amenovna, midwives of the obstetric care units - Ayupova Roza Shynarovna, Zhubanazarova Aida Shalkarbayevna, Amantayeva Aktoty Madenovna, Kulmaganbetova Gulnara Sagyntayevna, Urazalina Madina Slamgaliyevna.
Dear midwives, we sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you health and happiness, so that the warmth of your caring hands warms newborns and gives joy to people!
Good positive mood in your daily work!

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