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Open Day

25 август 2020, Вторник
One of the priority areas of work of the Aktobe Medical Center is the provision of medical services taking into account the needs of the population. It should be noted that the usual format of the Center’s work changed during the pandemic period, and in the present circumstances intensive work has begun to expand the range of outpatient services and to provide planned hospitalization with infectious safety measures.

On August 24-25, a free consultative reception of patients was carried out by highly qualified specialists of a multidisciplinary hospital.
Within the framework of the action "Open Door Day", a cardiologist, a neurosurgeon, an allergist, a surgeon, a thorocal surgeon, a obstetrician-gynaecologist, a neurologist, an otorinologist, an endocrinologist, a therapist have examined 140 patients, detailed recommendations have been made for further examination and treatment,  of which 11% of patients were sent for planned hospitalization.


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Open-doors Day for children.
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