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» » Open Day

Open Day

16 сентябрь 2020, Среда

On September 15-16, 2020, the action "Open Day" was held on the basis of the multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe Medical Center. As part of the action, a consultativereception was organized on a free basis for highly qualified specialists of our center together with the teaching staff of the NJSC M. OspanovWKMU.

116 patients were consulted on the following profiles: surgery, angiosurgery, neurosurgery, traumatology, urology, endocrinology, otorhinolaryngology, allergology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, cardiology, gynecology.


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Open Day
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Open-doors Day at the Aktobe Medical Center.
06 март 2019, Среда
Open-doors Day at the Aktobe Medical Center.
Open Day at the Aktobe Medical Center
16 март 2018, Пятница
Open Day at the Aktobe Medical Center
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