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» » The winner of the regional competition of nurses!

The winner of the regional competition of nurses!

13 май 2018, Воскресенье

On the eve of the celebration of World Nursing Day, the Department of Health of Aktobe region and the Regional Labor Union of Medical Staff organized a competition of professional skills among nurses. 18 nurses from city and regional medical institutions took part in the competition. The contest was held in two stages — testing and assessment of practical skills. As a result of the competition, the nurse of the traumatology department of the children’s hospital of the Aktobe medical center Ibraeva Yulia Zhumabaevna showed high results and confidently took the first place.

Yu. Zh. Ibraeva, after completing her studies at the medical college, was admitted as a nurse to the trauma department of the children’s hospital, where she continues to work for 10 years, performs the duties of the dressing room nurse, a competent nurse, has excellent practical skills, respects in the team, small patients love her for attention and care, a willingness to always help. It should be noted a significant role in the formation of a specialist and the professional growth of Julia Ibraeva her mentor –seniorr nurse of the traumatology department Saparova G.S., which since year 2018 appointed chief nurse of a children’s hospital. According to Yu.Z.Ibraheva — «she owes her victory to the knowledge and skills she has learned from the highly qualified nurse Gulzhayan Satyboldievna Saparova, who is a professional in nursing.»

In the solemn atmosphere at the festive event dedicated to the World Day of the Nurse in the conference hall named after A. Doszhanova, Ibraeva Yu. Zh., were presentedwinner’s certificate and a permit to the sanatorium! From the bottom of the heart we congratulate the nurse Yu. Zh. Ibraeva on deserved victory in the contest.

The staff of the Aktobe medical center is proud of it’s nurses and appreciates their work!


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