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» » Results of the Olympics among medical staff!

Results of the Olympics among medical staff!

30 май 2018, Среда

Employees of Aktobe Medical Center regularly take an active part in sports events held between hospitals. As apart of the large-scale campaign "We are for Kazakhstan without tobacco!" in the Park of the First President the results of the Olympics among medical staff of Aktobe region were summed up. According to the results of the competition, our employees won prizes in the following types: the nurse of the neurosurgical department Korkynova A. - 2nd place in tennis among women, the neurosurgeon Kazhgaliyev R. - 3rd place in tennis among men, nurse transfusiology cabinet Zhidebaeva A.- 2nd place in running among women aged 50-60 years, cardiologist Hamidulla B.- 3rd place in running among men aged 30-40 years old, vascular surgeon Sarsenov K. - 3rd place in chess, in the team standings - 3rd place in football.

President of the League of Football Fans among Doctors of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abilov Galymzhan in a solemn ceremony honored the national team from Aktobe - the winners of the silver medals of the Republican Football Championship held in early May of this year in Almaty. Our doctors played as part of the football team: neurosurgeon Ruslan Kazhgaliev (team captain), surgeon Kelimberdiev Mirsaid, cardiologist Hamidulla Bolat, children's maxillofacial surgeon Drman Narmagambet, hearing surgeon Kumar Kanat, surgeon Satenrrlan.

he team of Aktobe Medical Center heartily congratulates

winners and prize-winners of sports competitions!


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