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» » May 9 - Victory Day!

May 9 - Victory Day!

09 май 2019, Четверг

Annually, to celebrate May 9th - Victory Day, the leadership of the Aktobe Medical Center organizes joint events with the trade union committee.

On the eve of Victory Day, the staff of the center and the medical director of the consultative and diagnostic unit, Bizhanova A.Ya. congratulated and handed gifts to 2 participants of the Second World War and 14 home front workers. Medical workers at home organized and conducted an electrocardiography, took a blood test, examined a therapist at the age from 86 to 95 years, gave full recommendations.

It should be noted that the war veteran I.A. Kurochkin lives in the assigned territory of the CDC. Born in 1927, he was called in 1944 and served on the Far Eastern Front as a submariner, participated in hostilities against the Kwantung Army. After the war, he continued service in the ranks of the Soviet army until 1951. In 1961, he was sent to Aktyubinsk to a special airport service department as an operational worker. In 1982, heretired with the rank of colonel.

The CDC staff invited veteranYermakanbetovAlmatUmirovich17/09/1925y.b. to be examined and advised. Almat Umirovich began the combat path in 1943, fought on the 4th Ukrainian Front and in 1945 celebrated the Victory in Germany.

On behalf of the team of Aktobe Medical Center we congratulate the veterans and

of all Kazakhstanis on the Victory Day!


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