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» » Medical Information System "SOS".

Medical Information System "SOS".

21 январь 2020, Вторник
In the multidisciplinary hospital of the Aktobe medical center, the SOS emergency call system for medical personnel has been successfully functioning. This system is installed to ensure the timely provision of emergency medical care to patients at the admission department as part of the 3H-sorting, and this system is also available in specialized departments to call the doctor and nurse to the patient in case of emergency.
Before the introduction of digital technology, a joint work was carried out with Medical System SOS LLP on the selection of workplaces for installing blocks, taking into account the technical advantages of their location in the center's buildings, as well as the training of unit employees.

The Emergency Department has a unit with emergency buttons for specialized specialists who have mobile devices (telephones). The system allows remote communication between the patient and staff using a wristband / badge from the room in which the unit with the SOS button is installed.
At the same time, the software monitors the status of each unit with an emergency call button, statistics on the use of the system. It should be noted that based on the implementation of the SOS system, the Internal Audit Service regularly assesses the quality and timeliness of calling a specialist to provide emergency medical care.

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