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» » Meeting of the Supervisory Board

Meeting of the Supervisory Board

11 сентябрь 2020, Пятница
As part of the implementation of corporate governance measures, on September 11 this year a meeting of the Supervisory Board was held at the Aktobe Medical Center, at which a new Chairman of the Supervisory Board was elected, due to the retirement of the previous Chairman due to death.Council members observed a minute of silence in memory of the chief physician of the Regional Infectious Disease Clinical Hospital Kozbagarov К.Е., who headed the Supervisory Board of our center since 2018.
On the result of a vote by unanimous decision of the members of the Board, KoptleuovZh.A., who has been a member of the Board since its creation, having nearly 40 years of clinical and organizational work in the health care system, is the Chief Physician of the CP No.6, is elected Chairman.
It should be noted that in the current year the Board (in place of the retired person) includes the candidacy of a new member by decision of the authorized body - the director of the department of medical and social assistance of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bidatova G.K.
According to the agenda, the meeting heard reports and discussed the following topical issues:

·Report of the medicalDirector of a multidisciplinary hospital on the results of work

for the 1st half of 2020.

Speaker - medical Director Esenzhulova A.B.

·Results of theachievement of the indicators of the Strategic Plan of PUE "Aktobe Medical Center" based on the results of the 1st half of 2020.

Speaker - Head of OMS KabiyevaL.I.

       •    Approval of financial statements for the 1st half of 2020 and agreement on the development plan for
            the 2nd half of the year.  Speaker - Chief Accountant Myrzagulova M.E.

·Report on economic activity for the 1st half of 2020.

Speaker - Head of the HSDIltaev N.K.

During the discussion, the members of the Supervisory Board gave corrective recommendations and a protocol of the established form was drawn up.

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